The project

The project Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation (DESCI) promotes alternating training paths based on the Living Lab approach, adopting participatory design methodologies, connecting School, Enterprise, Research and Territory.  DESCI aims to strengthen the links  between educational systems and the world of work, relating training programmes to the cultural, social and economic development of the territory.


In 2015, in Italy came in to force the L.107/2015 “La Buona Scuola” that makes the alternating training mandatory for all students attending the last two years of the secondary school. In this framework, DESCI represents an opportunity to reduce the existing  mismatch and strengthen the links  between education and the world of work, enabling the school to become a co-working space, an innovation laboratory for the local community, by which students, also guided by researchers and company tutors, can develop innovative ideas and products that will be socially, ecologically and economically sustainable. 

Greece is currently undergoing an acute crisis leading to a low employment rate and high unemployment. DESCI supports students in developing skills and competences geared to the needs of the labour market”


“In Spain, one of the main issues that companies have been facing the last years is that though workers have a very good level of technical knowledge, they lack in their abilities to function in different groups and  give answers to the challenges they face. In view of working towards a new methodology based in challenges that the Basque Government has developed – the ETHAZI methodology, the DESCI project goes hand in hand offering students and teachers a bunch of resources that have helped them during this change on the way of working they were used to, making a swifter transition and providing them with different tools for it”